

A senior therapist in Ayurvedic medicine, along with Bach flower remedies, medicinal herbs, nutrition, Chinese acupuncture, Japanese cosmetic facial acupuncture and more. A workshop facilitator and meditation instructor, leader of women's circles, and concerned with women's empowerment. Has a Bachelor's degree in Management from the Open University.Sujay's partner, mother to Netanel and Odelia.

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“Like the Milky Way crossing the sky
You walk in a straight path, paying no attention to the stars
shining to dazzle your eyes
Something inside you will tell you
on your journey…”
I listened to that call, continued walking – and I’m still walking along the magical path of my life.

I have always been curious and felt a need to experience life to its fullest. As a child I was drawn to many different fields. I spent my days running from one place to another, attending classes in singing, dancing, acting, artistic rollerskating, drawing; youth groups, ceramics classes and music lessons (the trumpet). I wanted to become acquainted with all of the wonderful abundance in the world and I explored the magical world of art, in all of its shapes and forms, throughout my childhood and adolescence.

And then it seemed to me that enough was enough … no more curiosity and exploration. “Real life” was waiting for me, and the way through it is long and winding. So it happened that after my military service (as an Operations Sergeant), I continued along my life’s course, the charted and safe path. I completed a degree in division management and communication, and at the same time, developed a career in management at leading companies. I seemed to have gotten on the right path, and my big breakthrough appeared to be just around the corner.

“India”, I heard someone say. I looked to either side of me, and my colleagues at the office continued to work as if nothing had happened. The background music was playing as always, and no one even looked at me or spoke to me. I continued my work as usual, until again that voice echoed inside me again… “India.” (Although I began to take some interest in meditations and breathing techniques during that period, I was light years away from thinking of India as an option for anything at all.)

I won’t burden you with the details – suffice it to say that the next day I bought a ticket, and three months later I was on my way to Delhi, India. Thus, in a single moment I left my studies, my work, my friends and my family, and travelled to reap the fruits of my life on that magical continent.
When I arrived in India, I could feel the country throbbing in my heart and body. I had never felt my body so excited. I fell in love. I toured, I studied, I looked and I listened to all the sounds and signs on the way – to that same voice that came again when on a calm afternoon, two weeks before the Jewish New Year, I sat on the banks of the Ganges River in beautiful Rishikesh during a break between yoga classes – a voice that told me, again, one single word.. “therapy”. I smiled. I knew that I had no special ability for giving treatments, and yet I was wrapped in tranquility in the days that followed, and for just over a month afterwards, everyone who came along was a therapist, in one method or another. I took a deep breath and let the divinity overtake me.

To this day, even living safely in the Holy Land, India continues to nurture me.

Magical India and the great abundance that it offered filled my heart and drew me to the philosophy, wisdom and beauty I discovered. So I started to study Ayurvedic (natural Indian) medicine, Reiki, body-soul therapy and yoga for children.

And so too it happened that Tantra came into my life, in small, magical steps; waiting for that moment when I would be able to contain it and allow it a place in my heart. My journey with Tantra was a long one. It would come and go, approach and draw back…

Slowly, my heart opened; I let go of my defenses and discovered the beauty and the power of Tantra, and its relevance to Ayurveda and yoga. A new, rich and deep world was revealed to me.

I have often described to those around me the immense feeling of having a new world revealed to you as part of your familiar, known world.
“It’s like Alice’s door in Wonderland,” I say. “As soon as the door to the burrow opens… it’s a free fall, without no parachute or closed doors. Every time you approach a new door it opens wide, and all we have to do is simply enter it, and allow everything that comes after – to happen.” This, in my eyes, is abundance, happiness, the very spark of life.

Today, when I practice meditation and look back, it is hard to understand how the girl who was so active, who lived 28 hours a day (I got a special extension) and capered between endless activities – manages to sit quietly, silently, for ten minutes, half an hour and even an entire week…

Quiet is not a necessity the lack of all action. Inner peace allows for activity which is broader, richer and deeper than anything I have ever done in the past.

I have deep faith in the connection of mind and body, earth and wind, heart and soul.
Each of us is made up of many particles, from many different fields that together create breath and life. So too, in my life, I breathe Life in and let it permeate my entire body, heart, mind and being.

I am taking the journey of my wonderful life hand in hand with my true love, my partner Sujay.

The way of Tantra and therapy is in our hearts and the foundation of our home.
We live in Pardes Hanna, a tranquil and enchanting place, in constant thanks to Creation for our wonderful family and amazing children who fill us with great happiness.

"Sometimes, happiness comes through doors that you didn't even know you left open."(Osho)

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